How KAP Works

I am dedicated to providing cutting-edge Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy for those suffering from depression, anxiety, stress, recovery, and other mood disorders. I will create a personalized treatment plan that prioritize your wellness, comfort and well-being. Here is a KAP overview.

Step 1:the Assessment

Once you complete the brief assessment, I will follow up with a free phone consultation to determine if KAP is right for you. This is also an opportunity for you to ask KAP related questions.

Step 2: Medical Consult & Prescription

Assuming KAP is right for you, we will refer you to our medical team, who will conduct a medical assessment, (via Zoom) write your prescription, and arrange to have it mailed to you.

Step 3: Initial, Intake session

1 hour tele-health session to discuss your current situation, challenges you want to work on, and review ways to optimize your ketamine journey. An email, detailing what to expect, things to bring to your journey session, and other helpful information will follow this session.


Step 4: Ketamine Journey Session

This three hour session takes place at Howard P. Goodman’s office. The session begins with review of safety & consent policies and procedures. We will also review your preparation session and the intentions you’d like to bring into your journey. Next, you will self-administer the medication (sub-lingual lozenges) with the supervision of your therapist. The onset begins approximately 10 minutes after self-administer. Peak journey experiences follow for about next 45-60 minutes, after which the effects of the medication taper off and end. The remainder of the session is spent processing your experiences with the psychotherapist.

Step 5: Ketamine Integration Session

Integration tele-health sessions optimize the transformational nature of ketamine journeys by identifying significant insights and intentions and translating them into actions you can integrate into your life on a daily basis.

Four Weekly Journey/Integration sessions

Repeating the weekly Journey & Integration sessions for 4 consecutive weeks leverages Ketamine’s activation of neuronal plasticity to rewire your brain by integrating new insights and actions consistently over time. This 4 week protocol is designed to consolidate positive, thoughts, feelings, and actions in ways that habituate long-term benefits.

Step 6: Implementation / Assessment

These two weekly tele-health Integration sessions focus on how to harness the window of neuronal plasticity created by the medicine to expedite the process of insight, growth, and change and implement long lasting results. This is also an opportunity to assess whether additional Journey sessions are indicated.

Weekly Integration sessions and periodic Ketamine Journey sessions are also available.